The Thermage procedure is the only non-invasive treatment that delivers tighter skin, renewed facial contours and healthier collagen. (Collagen is the building block that provides structure to your skin.) The Therrnage procedure is available only in the offices of qualified physi-cians who specialize in cosmetic procedures.
The Therrnage procedure employs a patented capacitive radiofrequency (CRF) technology called TherrnaCool™. It has been clinically proven to tighten and gently lift skin to smooth out wrinkles and renew facial contours, The incision-free procedure is fast and easy, and requires no downtime from normal activities. Unlike lasers, the procedure can be performed on patients of all skin types. The ThermaCool device has been cleared by the FDA for the non-invasive treatment of facial wrinkles and rhytids.

The TherrnaCool device uses a sophisticated treatment tip called ThermaTip™, which delivers a controlled amount of CRF energy. With each touch to the skin, the ThermaTip device uniformly
heatsa large volume of collagen in the deeper layers of the skin
and its underlying tissue while simultane-ously protecting the outer layer of the skin with cooling.